Creatine - made of Creapure® powder - 100 capsules I monthly supply Vegan Bottled in Germany

Creatine - made of Creapure® powder - 100 capsules I monthly supply Vegan Bottled in Germany

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Creatine – made of Creapure® Pulver  - 100 Kapseln

100% made in Germany 

Für dein Workout 

Pro Portion 21 g Pulver in 400 - 500 ml Wasser lösen

L-Citrullin, L-Tyrosin, Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure), L-Arginin, L-Ornithinhydrochlorid, Rote Beetewurzelextrakt,
Aroma, D-Glucuronolacton, Guaranasamenextrakt, Trennmittel (Siliciumdioxid), Citicolin a, Süßungsmittel
(Steviolglykoside aus Stevia, Sucralose), Koffeinanhydrat, Dextrose, Bittterorangenfruchtextrakt, Schwarzer
Pfefferextrakt, Farbstoff (Carotin)