Vitamin D3 5.000 I.E + Vitamin K2 200 mcg Menaquinon MK7 Depot – 200 Tabletten – 99,7+% All-Trans – Laborgeprüft –
Vitamin D3 5.000 I.E + Vitamin K2 200 mcg Menaquinon MK7 Depot – 200 Tabletten – 99,7+% All-Trans – Laborgeprüft –
Vitamin D3 5.000 I.E + Vitamin K2 200 mcg Menaquinon MK7 Depot – 200 Tabletten – 99,7+% All-Trans – Laborgeprüft –
Vitamin D3 5.000 I.E + Vitamin K2 200 mcg Menaquinon MK7 Depot – 200 Tabletten – 99,7+% All-Trans – Laborgeprüft –
Vitamin D3 5.000 I.E + Vitamin K2 200 mcg Menaquinon MK7 Depot – 200 Tabletten – 99,7+% All-Trans – Laborgeprüft –

Vitamin D3 5.000 I.E + Vitamin K2 200 mcg Menaquinon MK7 Depot – 200 Tabletten – 99,7+% All-Trans – Laborgeprüft –

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Unbeatable combination: Vitamin D3 K2

According to estimates by the Endocrine Society 70% of the world population is in deficit in vitamin D. The vitamin helps maintain healthy bones and supports muscle function. Actually, people can produce the vitamin themselves. However, since this also requires sunlight, it is advisable to measure vitamin D regularly and supplement it if necessary. Here you will find out everything you need to know about vitamin D: How it is formed and what you need it for, how it manifests itself and why vitamin D3 should be combined with vitamin K2.


  • What is Vitamin D3 K2?
  • Why vitamin D supplements?
  • Why should vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 be combined?
  • Vitamin D3 K2 preparations: intake and dosage

What is Vitamin D3 K2?

Vitamin D3

According to estimates by the Endocrine Society 70% of the world population is in deficit in Vitamin D. This deficiency is initially surprising because, on the one hand, vitamin D3 is contained in food and, on the other hand, we can actually produce vitamin D3 ourselves.

On average, the body produces 80% to 90% of vitamin D itself. However, the crucial factor for this is that the body is exposed to sunlight. This requires spending time outdoors with direct contact of the sun's rays on bare skin. Enjoying the sun's rays through the window inside the room is therefore not enough.

10% to 20% of vitamin D requirements are met through diet. This proportion is comparatively low, because vitamin D3 is only found in very small amounts in food: in order to cover the recommended daily dose of around 200 mcg of vitamin K2, you would have to take it every day a kilogram of tuna eat for the vitamin D balance. Since this is the case for very few people, and we in Germany are not particularly spoiled when it comes to the weather, many people in this country have to struggle with a deficiency. To illustrate: The normal value of vitamin D3 is over 50 ng/ml. The average vitamin D value in Germany is 18 ng/ml. In addition to natural sources, vitamin D can also be supplied through dietary supplements.

Foods with vitamin D3

  • Eel (smoked)
  • Hering
  • Salmon
  • Kipper

Vitamin D3 is mainly found in fatty fish. However, in order for your body to use it, you also need other vitamins, such as vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2

K2 is a vitamin that is needed in the human body for blood clotting. In this respect, vitamin K2 is also involved in other metabolic processes in the human organism. Vitamin K2 also plays an important role in connection with the D3 vitamin, and it may therefore be advisable to take the vitamin in the form of a combination of active ingredients with vitamin D2.

Vitamin K2 is produced by bacteria in the human body and can also be absorbed through natural foods. However, it only occurs in very small amounts in food, which is rarely enough to actually cover the needs. For example, it can be found in plant foods such as kale, spinach, or animal foods such as Edam cheese or liver. This would also be an incredibly high amount – weekly 3 kilograms of Edam or optionally 500 grams of goose liver – necessary to get an average of around 200 mcg of vitamin K2, which is recommended. Since this amount can hardly be achieved with a healthy, varied diet, supplements can help to cover the requirement.

Foods with vitamin K2

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Cheese
  • liver

Vitamin K2 is particularly found in green vegetables.

Why do we need vitamin D?

Vitamin D3 is vital for us: it helps maintain normal bones and supports muscle function. Vitamin D3 also supports the function of the immune system and helps with cell division.

Benefits of vitamin D

  • improved cognitive performance
  • improved Sleep
  • cardiovascular Advantages
  • hormone function in general
  • antidepressants Effect
  • could Testosterone increase
  • improved regeneration after training
  • contributes to maintaining normal Muscle function at
  • contributes to maintaining normal Bone at
  • contributes to a normal calcium level in the blood
  • contributes to maintaining normal Teeth at
  • has a function in the Cell division
  • is necessary for normal growth and development of children's bones.
  • in combination with calcium can reduce the loss of bone minerals in postmenopausal women. A low one Bone density is a risk factor for its development Osteoporosis more conditional Broken bones.
  • It is known that too little vitamin D can be responsible for low testosterone and higher aromatization of testosterone too Estrogen.
  • Improved strength regeneration contributes to the normal function of the immune system (physical defense).

This is how a vitamin D deficiency becomes noticeable:

A vitamin D deficiency can initially become noticeable gradually and through rather unspecific symptoms such as mood swings or fatigue. A long-term deficiency can ultimately have serious consequences such as bone softening.

  • Mood swings
  • Depressiveness
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • poorly healing bone fractures
  • Decrease in bone density
  • Bone pain

Who is at increased risk of developing vitamin D deficiency?

Theoretically, anyone can suffer from a vitamin D deficiency – especially in our latitudes. However, people who are particularly at risk are those who can or do not want to spend much time outdoors, for example because they are no longer able to leave the house. These people include old people who stay in retirement homes or people with a disability. Older people are already at greater risk of suffering from a vitamin D deficiency because their own production of vitamin D decreases with age. Studies show that the synthesis of vitamin D decreases significantly, which probably has to do with skin thickness; Because it is so thin, the liver and kidneys are less stimulated to produce vitamin D. Children who are still particularly protected from the sun also have an increased need.

Basically, it can be said that the less often you spend time outdoors, run or walk and expose your skin to the sun's rays, the higher the risk of suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.

Why do we need vitamin K2?

The bone vitamin K supports the positive effects of vitamin D3. It activates proteins (e.g. osteocalcin) that make vitamin D3 usable. Vitamin K also contributes to maintaining bone health. Above all, vitamin K helps ensure that calcium gets to the right places in the body (such as bones and teeth) and does not cause problems in the wrong places (for example in arteries).

Calcium alone won't do much for your bone health if you don't have enough vitamin K2 and vitamin D3.

Benefits of vitamin K:

  • Calcium goes to the right places in the body (not to the kidneys and blood vessels, but to the bones and cells)
  • If there is not enough vitamin K, more calcium is released from the bones and enters the arteries, for example.
  • contributes to normal blood clotting.
  • contributes to maintaining normal Bone at.
  • it improves the Insulin sensitivity
  • improved PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) in women • improved training performance
  • less joint wear

Why vitamin D supplements?

According to the Robert Koch Institute, vitamin D production is only possible in our latitudes from March to October. In winter, the sun is too rarely seen to stimulate your body to produce vitamin D. If your body is not able to build up vitamin D reserves in fat and muscle tissue for the winter months beyond its acute needs over the summer months, the deficiency is inevitable.

Supplements offer one way to improve vitamin D levels. These are recommended by the German Nutrition Society if you do not achieve the recommended vitamin D status through your own synthesis and diet alone. However, there are a few things to consider when supplementing when it comes to intake, dosage and form of administration. Here too, the D vitamin is particularly valuable for the human organism in combination with K2.

Why should vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 be combined?

Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 as a team are much better than if you supplement them in their raw form. This is because K2 enhances the positive effects of vitamin D3. At the same time, the combination of both active ingredients reduces the risks associated with taking vitamin D3 alone.

If high doses of vitamin D3 are taken without supplementation, calcium absorption from the intestine can be increased, which increases the concentration in the blood. Why is that not good? Calcium must be utilized by the body so that it does not build up. Since calcium cannot be utilized without vitamin K2, there is a risk that vessels and organs in which calcium is deposited will calcify in the long term.

Vitamin K2 is therefore important so that calcium can be used: firstly, it transports calcium to the places in your body where it is actually needed. There it activates the proteins osteocalcin and MGP, which are responsible for calcium utilization. Calcium can therefore be stored from the blood in bones and teeth.

Vitamin K2 activates the two proteins osteocalcin and MGP (Matrix Gla Protein). These are mainly responsible for calcium utilization in the blood. When activated (carboxylated), these carboxylated forms can bind and transport calcium. Osteocalcin and MGP ensure the transport and storage of calcium from the blood into the hard substance of bones and teeth. If these proteins are not activated, they cannot fulfill this task.

In order for vitamin D3 and K2 to work optimally together, vitamin K2 should be administered in a form that is as easily available as possible. Vitamin K2 in supplements should always be in a readily available MK7 (alltrans) form. The name MK 7 stands for 'Vitamin K2 - Menaquinone-7' - a form of vitamin K2 that has particularly good bioavailability and a long half-life.

You should avoid the vitamin K2 form called MK4. This has very poor bioavailability and must therefore be administered in extremely high doses to have any effect. MK7-cis and MK9 are also not recommended. The latter has hardly been researched yet and is therefore not permitted in Germany. You can recognize high-quality MK 7 products by their price: very cheap products often come from abroad and contain cheap active ingredients with only a small proportion of MK7 vitamin K2. Of course, they still adorn themselves with the designation “MK 7′”.

Vitamin D3 K2 preparations: intake and dosage

As you now know, if you want to supplement vitamin D3, you should take a combination preparation containing vitamin D3 K2. It is not advisable to use pure vitamin D capsules or vitamin D3 capsules, as the positive effects of vitamin D supplementation do not fully occur. Combination preparations make the effects usable. When choosing vitamin K, you should choose the easily available and long-acting form MK7. This ensures the best supply of organs and tissue.

When purchasing dietary supplements, you can choose between different dosage forms. Vitamin D3 K2 drops or capsules are common. Capsules offer the advantage that the dose is contained exactly and you no longer have to measure it.

Ingestion: capsules as a dosage form

Since vitamin D and vitamin K are fat-soluble vitamins, it is advisable to take the capsules with oil. “Fat-soluble” means that both vitamins require fat or oil as a transport medium so that they can be used by the body. With the taking of Vitamin D3 K2 You supply your body optimally with vitamin D and thus contribute to bone health, muscle function and a functioning immune system.

Vitamin D3 K2 dosage

The dosage of vitamin D3 K2 depends heavily on the initial situation. Depending on your condition when you start taking it, you may need to take less or more of the dietary supplement. In principle, very good physiological positive effects can be achieved with a content of 4000 IU vitamin D.

Does Vitamin D3 K2 Have Side Effects?

Will the intake of Vitamin D If excessive, the calcium level in the body can become too high. However, as you have already read about the effects of vitamin K2, this is not directly due to vitamin D, but rather because without vitamin K2 the calcium that is released into the blood cannot be used. The consequences of too high a calcium level can be nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps or vomiting. A vitamin K2 dosage, even in large quantities, is toxic and completely harmless.

Nehmen Sie jeden 5. Tag unzerkaut 1 Tablette mit Wasser zu sich ein. Dies entspricht einer täglichen Verzehrmenge von Vitamin D3 25μg (1000 I.E., 500 % NRV) und Vitamin K2 40μg (53 % NRV). Die angegebene empfohlene, tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene, abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise verwendet werden. Lichtgeschützt und trocken lagern. Hinweise: Für Kinder, Schwangere und Stillende nicht empfohlen. Nicht in Reich- weite von Kindern aufbewahren. Bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme von gerinnungshemmenden Medikamenten holen Sie bitte vor dem Verzehr ärztlichen Rat ein.

Füllstoff (Mikrokristalline Cellulose), Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 (Vitamin K2-MK7, All-trans +99%)