510 EAA tablets with 1036 mg each - All 8 essential amino acids EAAs - Vegan - No additives
510 EAA tablets with 1036 mg each - All 8 essential amino acids EAAs - Vegan - No additives
510 EAA tablets with 1036 mg each - All 8 essential amino acids EAAs - Vegan - No additives
510 EAA tablets with 1036 mg each - All 8 essential amino acids EAAs - Vegan - No additives

510 EAA tablets with 1036 mg each - All 8 essential amino acids EAAs - Vegan - No additives

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Main Benefits

  • improved endurance
  • Fat burning
  • less fatigue
  • higher insulin secretion
  • good supplement to boost the body's amino acid profile.
  • Trigger for protein biosynthesis
  • Muscle protection

EAA – essential amino acids and their role in muscle building

Protein is an important nutrient for your body and is involved in numerous processes. All your body cells are made up of protein, but that's not the only reason why it's important to cover your protein needs: Protein is also involved in numerous processes in the body that cannot take place without sufficient protein intake. In order for your body to make protein, you need amino acids. You have to get some of them, the essential amino acids or EAAs, through your diet. You can find out here what else you need essential amino acids for and how EAAs affect your training.

Table of contents

  • What are EAAS?
  • What essential amino acids are there?
  • EAAS and muscle building
  • EAAs supplements

What are EAAs?

If you've been training seriously for a long time and possibly want to build muscle, you probably already know how important protein is as a macronutrient for you. Protein is THE building material in the human body; Every single cell in your body is made of proteins, and proteins also take on a variety of functions in the human body: you need protein, among other things, to maintain and build tendons, bones, cartilage, muscles, skin, hair, nails and organs. Protein compounds are also crucial in important metabolic processes in the body and, for example, are involved in the formation of hormones such as thyroid or happiness hormones. Proteins form almost all enzymes and some hormones and ensure improved wound healing, support immune function - the immune system consists largely of protein -, maintain connective tissue and muscles, improve insulin sensitivity and thus reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes . So far so good. But what have you? EAs - so-called "essential amino acids“, also essential amino acids – exactly what to do with it? We'll explain it to you...

EAAs are the building material of Protein

As you already know, pretty much nothing works in your body without protein. Proteins, in turn, consist of large molecules made up of long-chain amino acids. There are 20 different ones in total amino acids, whereby a distinction is made between essential, non-essential and semi-essential amino acids. “Essential” – this means that the first type of amino acids are not produced by the body itself and with food - or via dietary supplements - must be taken. In fact, you MUST get essential amino acids from your diet, as they are essential to life, as you will learn later. Non-essential and semi-essential amino acids, on the other hand, do not necessarily have to be consumed with food and can be produced by the body itself.

EAA effect

  • Building block of protein
  • Transport of messenger substances
  • Stabilization of blood sugar levels
  • Promote bone health
  • Stimulating cell growth
  • Production of hormones (e.g. thyroid hormones)

What essential amino acids are there? 

As you now know, there are amino acids that your body can produce itself and essential amino acids, which in turn have to be absorbed through food because the body cannot produce them itself.

EAAs effects and foods that contain them

Isoleucine is important for muscle building, for the transport of various messenger substances and acts as an energy supplier. The essential amino acid isoleucine is found in chicken breast, salmon, peas, eggs, walnuts and whole wheat flour. 

Leucine is responsible for muscle building, maintains muscle protein and keeps blood sugar levels constant. Leucine also provides energy in muscles and is found in lentils, soybeans, peas, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, salmon, tofu, cashews, cheese and eggs. 

Lysine promotes bone growth and cell growth. The amino acid also promotes the formation of collagen and thus maintains connective and muscle tissue. Together with the amino acid methionine, lysine participates in the synthesis of carnitine and thus influences fat metabolism. The amino acid is found in pumpkin seeds, chicken breast, oatmeal, cheese, salmon, peas, tofu, eggs, buckwheat flour and walnuts.

Methionine is required for the production of the non-essential amino acid cysteine ​​and is involved in various metabolic processes. Methionine is found in Brazil nuts, salmon, sesame, beef, egg, broccoli, peas, spinach, corn, millet and green leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Phenylalanine is a precursor of Tyrosine, another essential amino acid that we cannot produce ourselves and that is necessary for the production of numerous hormones such as adrenaline, norepinephrine and thyroid hormones. Phenylalanine is found in vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes, soybeans, nuts, peas, poultry, pork and wheat germ. Phenylalanine deficiency can lead to an increased susceptibility to infections.

Threonine is converted by the body into glycine, which supports bone formation and the formation of antibodies. The amino acid protects the immune system and is found in papayas, carrots and spinach.

Tryptophan is a real mood bomb: The amino acid has a mood-enhancing effect as it is a precursor to the happiness and feel-good hormone serotonin. This in turn promotes a peaceful, deep sleep and ensures that we feel balanced. The amino acid is found in soybeans, cashews, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, oatmeal and eggs.

Answer regulates blood sugar levels and sends various messenger substances to the brain. The amino acid also strengthens the immune system. Valine is found in chlorella, spirulina, spelled flour, oat flakes, tuna, yeast, eggs, cheese and chicken. 

Your body is on all of these amino acids dependent, so make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet. If you cannot meet your needs through diet alone, you can supplement your intake with supplements. 

EAA’s and muscle building

Why those essential amino acids are particularly important for athletes? As the illustration of the effects of the different EAAS shows, many of them are involved in building muscle and help you maintain cells and numerous processes. They also help you regenerate better. Some essential amino acids also have a positive effect on hormone metabolism and thus support fat metabolism - perfect if you want to shred and are on a diet! EAA's are essential amino acids, which are crucial for building muscle and serve as building blocks to optimize muscle building.

The Degradation of proteins Depending on the protein source (whey is absorbed more quickly than quark or meat), the process takes place in the body for different periods of time and helps the body to keep anabolic processes at their maximum and to minimize catabolic processes. EAs contain all the essential amino acids that are found in a complete protein and can still be made available by the body for the bloodstream much more quickly than other proteins. Because all essential amino acids must be available in abundance so that building processes can take place. EAAs also play a very important role in the immune system and metabolism.

The need for EAAs is particularly high after training. If not enough essential amino acids are supplied, the organism takes them from its own body substance - the muscles.

Many athletes reach their limits too quickly: they tire before they have had the necessary training stimulus. This is especially the case with intensive training and the training becomes ineffective.

Among other things, the essential amino acids help here. In addition, many athletes tend to eat less meat. This can mean that they have to resort to low-quality proteins. Now you can easily buy the high-quality essential amino acids and consume them directly before training.

So if you want to increase your training performance and achieve faster and better results through the increased training stimulus, then take advantage of the effect of EAAs now.

EAAs supplements

When you train hard, proteins in your body can break down. EAAs protect you from this unwanted side effect by maximizing all anabolic processes and preventing catabolic processes. EAs They all contain essential amino acids that your body needs and, unlike if you consume the amino acids through food, they can be made available to the bloodstream particularly quickly. This means that signs of fatigue don't stand a chance and you can perform to your full potential.

Next to the Protection of the musclesThe EAA also help you stay healthy: exercise can weaken your immune system. EAAS support your immune system and prevent illness. Indirectly, these supplements can also increase your performance and make you stronger.

How useful is taking EAAs?

As you now know, play EAA for the Building muscles and the Protection of the muscles a crucial role. The fewer natural foods you consume that contain EAA, the more sensible it may be to supplement EAA. Supplementation can be particularly useful for people who do not consume meat and train hard, as these people often have difficulty meeting their EAA needs.

How can I take EAAs?

If you have trouble meeting your protein needs or have trouble eating after training, you can EAA in the form of EAA Pulver or as EAA Capsulen take. For what form? EAA intake What you decide doesn't matter here. EAA powder has the advantage that it dissolves and is therefore also suitable for people who do not like swallowing capsules. Capsules and tablets, on the other hand, are almost tasteless. Regardless of the form in which you want to consume essential amino acids, please note that dietary supplements should never be used as a replacement for real food and should instead be taken as a supplement. A diet of fast food and EAAs will not get you to your goal.

How do EAA and BCAA differ?

In addition to EAA also enjoy BCAA – “Branched Chain Amine Acids” are very popular among fans of dietary supplements. But which supplement is more useful? EAA or BCAA?  Unlike EAA stuck in BCAA primarily the essential amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine and Answer. ECAA each supply a smaller amount of this, but that's what it is Total range of essential amino acids larger overall. Leucine, isolaucine and valine, the amino acids in BCAA, are important energy sources for the muscle and reduce the risk of protein and muscle being broken down during physical exertion - BCAA is therefore very popular with athletes who train on an empty stomach, as it does not attack the muscles becomes. The combination of ingredients in BCAA promotes the Protein synthesis more than other essential amino acids - on the other hand, by taking EAA you cover a large number of all essential amino acids. The question: "BCAA or EAA?” Therefore, it cannot be answered in general terms. The studies on supplements are still far from sufficient, and so it unfortunately remains a question of taste as to whether you are more likely to monitor your protein synthesis BCAA or EAA want to push. At the moment, science is leaning towards giving EAA more importance than BCAA, but the final word on this issue has probably not yet been spoken.

Difference BCAA and EAA

  • BCAA: primarily contains leucine, isoleucine and valine. Leucine is one of the most important amino acids after training as it particularly stimulates protein synthesis.
  • EAA: contains all essential amino acids. Since your body needs all essential amino acids, you cover a wider range of required amino acids.

What should I consider when taking and dosing EAA?

If you find it difficult. To cover all the essential amino acids in your diet, EAA can be a valuable alternative for you. EAA powder or tablets are particularly recommended for athletes who cannot eat anything solid after training or who do not like to eat much.

To ensure that even after training, you anabolic If you stay, i.e. don't lose any muscles, we recommend a dosage of 10 to 20 grams depending on body weight. In principle, it doesn't matter whether you supply your body with essential amino acids before or after exercise. In the end, it is only important that the total dose is sufficiently high. So listen to your body and see how you feel most comfortable.

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L-Citrullin, L-Tyrosin, Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure), L-Arginin, L-Ornithinhydrochlorid, Rote Beetewurzelextrakt, Aroma, D-Glucuronolacton, Guaranasamenextrakt, Trennmittel (Siliciumdioxid), Citicolin a, Süßungsmittel (Steviolglykoside aus Stevia, Sucralose), Koffeinanhydrat, Dextrose, Bittterorangenfruchtextrakt, Schwarzer Pfefferextrakt, Farbstoff (Carotin)