GYM-NUTRITION Hardcore Malto-dextrin | Fine carbohydrate powder | Popular with Fitness Powerlifing & Bodybuilding | Ideal for hardgainers | Bottled in Germany | Maltodextrin 12 | 1.5kg bag
GYM-NUTRITION Hardcore Malto-dextrin | Fine carbohydrate powder | Popular with Fitness Powerlifing & Bodybuilding | Ideal for hardgainers | Bottled in Germany | Maltodextrin 12 | 1.5kg bag

GYM-NUTRITION Hardcore Malto-dextrin | Fine carbohydrate powder | Popular with Fitness Powerlifing & Bodybuilding | Ideal for hardgainers | Bottled in Germany | Maltodextrin 12 | 1.5kg bag

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Sometimes things have to happen quickly in sport. Endurance athletes in particular need a quick one after a strenuous endurance session Kohelnhydratquelle, which directly into the blood is possible and is available quickly so that no muscles are broken down or they fall into a slump. This kind of quickly available and usable carbohydrates delivers Maltodextrin. What exactly is maltodextrin, why is it so popular among athletes and how does it work? You can find out all of that here.


  • What is maltodextrin?
  • Effects and benefits of maltodextrin
  • Areas of application of maltodextrin
  • Is maltodextrin healthy or are there any side effects?

What is maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate mixture that is obtained from various types of sugar. The name "Maltodextrin” is derived from the names 'maltose' (malt) and dextrose (dextrose) - perhaps it is now a little clearer to you what maltodextrin is: Maltodextrin contains different types of sugar - both monomers (single sugar) and dimers (double sugar). , oligomers (shorter-chain multiple sugars) and polimers (longer-chain multiple sugars) – included. Depending on the proportion of different Types of sugar The maltodextrin has different names, namely maltodextrin 6, 12 or 19. Depending on the type present, maltodextrin can have around 400 calories per 100 grams, which makes the dietary supplement particularly useful athletethose who need a quick energy boost or want to gain weight, makes it valuable. The mixture is made from starch, which mostly comes from corn, and goes from the intestine into the blood just as quickly as glucose and glucose. However, maltodextrin has a low sweetness and is considered very well tolerated.

Effects and benefits of maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is found in a variety of sports drinks and supplements for a reason, as you'll soon see. It is well tolerated, works quickly and, especially in direct comparison with dextrose, the carbohydrate mixture offers a lot of advantages.

If you take maltodextrin, the sugar compound is quickly and completely absorbed from your intestines into the blood. After splitting, the mixture is distributed throughout your body and is used here to generate energy. Only water and carbon dioxide remain as degradation products in the cells. You break down the carbon dioxide through your lungs and the water is excreted later.

Benefits of maltodextrin

Maltodextrin has many benefits, as you already know. The carbohydrate mixture scores particularly well when compared to dextrose. Here, maltodextrin wins in several disciplines: in terms of blood sugar, physical properties and taste.

Your blood sugar rises slowly

In comparison to maltodextrin sugar, maltodextrin initially scores points because it is absorbed more slowly by the body and so blood sugar levels rise more slowly. When glucose is absorbed, large amounts of insulin are released, which later causes a hole - a hypoglycaemia – can result. When you take maltodextrin, your body only releases as much insulin as is actually needed, reducing the risk of hypoglycemia. This makes maltodextrin visible from a nutritional perspective for athletes and people who pay attention to their diet.

Maltodextrin binds less water and is isotonic

Maltodextrin is isotonic and binds less water than the same amount of dextrose would.* The advantage here is that it prevents a high influx of water into the small intestine and products with maltodextrin are therefore very well tolerated - even if you have one You've had a long, strenuous session and are dehydrated.

Pleasant taste

Maltodextrin provides you with carbohydrates and is hardly sweet. For this reason, it can also be used in larger quantities in supplements without the items (gels, bars and drinks) tasting unpleasant or too sweet. Maltodextrin is also quite easy to drink because it is less viscous than comparable products that use dextrose. Maltodextrin can also be stored for a long time because it can be sterilized. Items containing maltodextrin are shelf-stable.

Areas of application of maltodextrin

As we have already told you, maltodextrin has a fairly high calorie density. This makes it valuable for different groups of people. Athletes and people who want or need to gain weight in particular can benefit from taking maltodextrin.

Maltodextrin and endurance sports

In endurance sports, maltodextrione can be used as an energy carrier and carbohydrate source, providing a quick boost of energy. That's why it's often found in energy gels or isotonic drinks. Since maltodextrin intake quickly adds energy to the body, performance can also improve. Here, too, it is an advantage that products with maltodextrin taste hardly sweet and rather tasteless, as this can be perceived as very unpleasant, especially in a pre-exhausted state.

Maltodextrin and weight training

Maltodextrin is not only popular with endurance athletes such as triathletes or marathon runners. Maltodextrin is also a common ingredient in weight training Carbohydrate source in dietary supplements and is particularly represented in weight gainers. Here it ensures that insulin is released and creatine and other amino acids are transported into the muscle cells. This begs the question: Gaining weight with maltodextrin – can it work?

Does maltodextrin help you gain weight?

Maltodextrin is often included in weight gainers because it contains a lot of carbohydrates and thus increases the calories. In weight gainers, maltodextrin is said to stimulate the release of insulin, which in turn is important for the transport of creatine and amino acids. In this respect, maltodextrin can help you gain weight and build muscle. Maltodextrin is also used to help underweight people gain weight. The carbohydrate mixture is particularly suitable for people who involuntarily eat too little, as it increases their calorie intake immensely. Unlike eating foods with a high calorie content, maltodextrin is hardly filling.

By the way, maltodextrin is also used by the food industry. Contrary to what you might think, it is not used here to increase the calorie density of food, but, on the contrary, to save calories. How is that supposed to work? Due to its sensory similarity to fat, maltodextrin is often found in low-fat foods to replace fat. You can hardly taste it, but using maltodextrin has the advantage that 1 gram has almost half as many calories as a gram of fat. At the same time, maltodextrin hardly has any taste of its own and absorbs foreign flavors well.

Is maltodextrin healthy or are there any side effects?

Maltodextrin is generally considered to be very well tolerated. However, in some cases it can also cause gastrointestinal problems.

Is maltodextrin gluten free?

Maltodextrin can be made from all types of starch - including wheat starch, which is why people with gluten intolerance often fear that maltodextrin contains gluten and therefore cannot consume items containing maltodextrin. However, these concerns are unfounded: Maltodextrin obtained from wheat starch is harmless because maltodextrin no longer contains any protein (which triggers gluten intolerance).

Maltodextrin for fructose intolerance: can I take maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is made from starch. Theoretically, any type of starch can be the basis for maltodextrin. However, fructose is not used, which is why Matodextrin is also suitable for people who have had to eliminate fruit from their diet due to intolerance. k

Does maltodextrin have side effects?

Maltodextrin is considered harmless. Only people who suffer from diabetes should avoid taking it, as it would disrupt their blood sugar levels too much. Serious side effects are not yet known.

Intake and dosage

Maltodextrin As a carbohydrate source, it is metabolized in a similar way to glucose, fructose and other types of sugar. Therefore, even if maltodextrin does not have any serious side effects, it should not be used excessively. If you want to take in more calories, you should, above all, improve your diet. However, if you have a healthy, balanced diet, maltodextrin can definitely be used as a useful supplement.

If you want to gain weight in a targeted manner, you can usefully supplement your diet with the regular intake of maltodextrin. Maltodextrin can be used as a sugar substitute for this. The dose depends on the individual calorie requirement and the surplus that should be generated by taking it. One teaspoon of maltodextrin contains around 38 calories (per 100 grams there are around 95 grams of carbohydrates and almost 400 calories).

Maltodextrin is also contained in dietary supplements and weight gainers. Here the dosage on the package insert should be adhered to.


50 g (ca. 5 Esslöffel) in 250 ml Wasser oder Fruchtsaft verzehren - Trinke es vor, während oder nach körper- licher Belastung - Die Menge kann auch an individuelle Bedürfnisse angepasst werden. Warnhinweise: Die angegebene empfohlen Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel dienen nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise. Hinweise: Für Kinder, Schwangere und Stillende nicht empfohlen. Nicht in Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Kühl und trocken lagern.

96% PURE CARBS: Auf 100g Pulver vom Gym-Nutrition Maltodextrin kommst du auf 96g Kohlenhydrate Zutaten: Maltodextrin (DE-12)