ProLine Iso Whey + Enzym | 1000g Without sugar, LOW-CARB and LOW-FAT - With digestive enzyme bromelain -
ProLine Iso Whey + Enzym | 1000g Without sugar, LOW-CARB and LOW-FAT - With digestive enzyme bromelain -
ProLine Iso Whey + Enzym | 1000g Without sugar, LOW-CARB and LOW-FAT - With digestive enzyme bromelain -
ProLine Iso Whey + Enzym | 1000g Without sugar, LOW-CARB and LOW-FAT - With digestive enzyme bromelain -

ProLine Iso Whey + Enzym | 1000g Without sugar, LOW-CARB and LOW-FAT - With digestive enzyme bromelain -

Regular price $55.00 Sale price$39.00
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  • 100% Isolat and no Bullshit
  • Mit Bromelain (Verdauungsenzym)
  • Bessere Verdauung
  • Mehr Muskelwachstum
  • In stock, ready to ship

Many strength athletes do not manage to cover their daily protein requirements with their daily diet (an athlete should consume between 1.5 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight).

What is whey protein and what does it do to the body?:

Whey protein is a protein obtained from milk with a very high biological availability of 104 - In comparison: a whole egg has a value of 100. Soy only 96 (biological value = it is quickly absorbed, i.e. absorbed by the body ).

Since whey protein has a high proportion of branched-chain amino acids, it is particularly interesting for bodybuilders to build muscle. But strength athletes in general also benefit from the ingredients of whey protein. Proteins are molecules that, like a string of pearls, consist of smaller molecules called amino acids. This differentiated structure not only determines the culinary properties of protein. For the human body, generating energy from dietary protein is therefore more complex than from carbohydrates or fats. Because calories not only provide energy, they also cost energy to process.

The specific-dynamic effect describes the increase in metabolism or the resulting loss of energy caused by the processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. And this is quite high when it comes to digesting proteins. For proteins it is up to 30% of the calorific value, for carbohydrates it is only around 6% and for fats it is around 3%. Energy consumption is therefore higher with a diet that emphasizes protein.

To process 100 calories from pure protein, the body uses up to 30 calories in digestion. This actually only costs 70 calories. Due to the longer digestion time of protein in the stomach, we feel full faster and for longer. Protein also stimulates the body to release more satiety hormones.

Gym Nutrition uses whey isolate. While the whey protein concentrate has a protein content of 80%, whey protein isolate contains about 90% protein. This is because Protein Isolate undergoes a cross-flow microfiltration process. This process separates the protein from fat, cholesterol and lactose (important for the lactose intolerant), ultimately making it a purer protein. 

In addition to the fact that it is an isolate, another ingredient was added to Enhanced Whey, which also gives the whey the name Enhanced: Bromelain

The active substance Bromelain becomes from the Pineapple plant won and is mainly composed of two Protein-splitting enzymes together. As a herbal medicine, it is used, among other things, to combat swelling after injuries and operations. In addition, his anti-inflammatory and digestive properties and therefore also used in our whey. In addition, it has the property Reduce muscle soreness.  

From this point on you should realize that our Enhanced Whey really deserves its name and we are proud to have such a product in our range. 

1 Portion mit 300 ml Wasser mischen. Die angegebene empfohlene Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Warnhinweise Die angegebene empfohlen Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel dienen nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise. Hinweise: Für Kinder, Schwangere und Stillende nicht empfohlen. Nicht in Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Kühl und trocken lagern

Molkenproteinisolat (enthält Emulgator Sojalecithin), Kakaopulver stark entölt, Aroma, Bromelain natürlich (5 FIP), Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Acesulfam K)