AAKG - 500 g - L-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (2:1)
AAKG - 500 g - L-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (2:1)
AAKG - 500 g - L-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (2:1)

AAKG - 500 g - L-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (2:1)

Regular price $28.00 Sale price$25.00
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  • FIRST-CLASS PRICE-PERFORMANCE RATIO: Each can contains 500 g of pure AKKG 2:1 powder with approx. 83 portions of 6 g each.
  • PREMIUM AMINO ACID: Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate (often called AAKG for short) is a popular dietary supplement with L-arginine. AAKG is a powerful 2:1 version consisting of two arginine molecules bound to an alpha-ketoglutarate molecule.
  • SOLUBILITY & DOSAGE: Our AAKG powder has perfect solubility. The included scoop allows for easy and accurate dosing. According to the recommended consumption, a portion of 6 g of AAKG powder (2 scoops) is recommended before the workout.
  • LABORATORY TESTED & WITHOUT ADDITIVES: Independently laboratory tested for L-arginine active ingredient content, heavy metals, mold, E. Coli, salmonella & other relevant test criteria. Our AAKG powder is free of magnesium stearate, gelatin-free, free of flavors, free of dyes, free of stabilizers, lactose-free, gluten-free, free of preservatives, free of genetically modified ingredients (GMO free).

Eine Portion (5g) in 400 ml Wasser einrühren und trinken. Die Einnahme sollte über den Tag verteilt erfolgen.

Wichtige Hinweise:Dieses Produkt ist kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Das Produkt ist außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern zu lagern

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