Proteinshaker Original BlenderBottle® Shaker

The shaker impresses with its durability, its spring (which allows you to easily mix all Gym-Nutrition products without them clumping) and the fact that it is 100% leak-proof.
Try it yourself!
2 Messlöffel in 400-500 Ml Wasser
L-Citrullin, L-Tyrosin, Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure), L-Arginin, L-Ornithinhydrochlorid, Rote Beetewurzelextrakt, Aroma, D-Glucuronolacton, Guaranasamenextrakt, Trennmittel (Siliciumdioxid), Citicolin a, Süßungsmittel (Steviolglykoside aus Stevia, Sucralose), Koffeinanhydrat, Dextrose, Bittterorangenfruchtextrakt, Schwarzer Pfefferextrakt, Farbstoff (Carotin)